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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Love Letter 1

Dear Hubby,

I knew that this 6+month separation will be hard but I never thought it will be this hard. The first day and night without you, I thought I would go mentally insane. I feel so alone and displaced. I have no friends around me and I felt so insecure and isolated. A part of me wants so much to be with my own family but at the same time I dread the excruciating plane ride not to mention the cost. I know I have to be strong and usually I am but for some reason I cannot control the emotions flooding me. Almost like I am in unfamiliar territory which I'm not.

It has been a week since I last saw you... there are days that I feel okay and days when I just want to hole myself up in your sister's bedroom away from the world. Your family is doing a good job in keeping me busy and letting the time fly faster for me. I can handle the days...but nights are always the worse. I dont sleep on the side of the bed I had been sleeping on while you were here...I've been sleeping on the right now. It makes me feel closer to you. It seems like its during the night when I get this flashes in my head. I am taken back to memories of us doing stuff together... Sometimes I wonder if this feeling will subdue in time or will just even gets worst? I don't know, I guess time will tell.

Saying I miss you is an understatement. It does not simply suffice how much I feel. You are in my thoughts every minute each day..and I am saying this without an ounce of exaggeration. I never thought its possible but Its true. But no matter how hard and how much I wanna vociferate, I keep convincing myself to stay strong. Not just for me or for you... but for the both of us.

I Love you. Goodnight.

♥ Wifey

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