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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Missed Call

My husband is leaving today to go somewhere in Northern AFG... He tried to call me but I didn't hear my phone because I left my cellphone downstairs in the kitchen table.  By the time I checked my phone I already missed 2 calls from him and a voicemail.  When I listened to it, I felt worried and nervous. This isn't his first time to go elsewhere in AFG but it's the first time I felt this way.  I am sad that I will not be able to talk to him on his Birthday on Sunday but what can I do?  All I can do is pray, hope and wait. Pray for his safety, Hope he is okay and will be okay and Wait for his return home. 

There isn't just enough words to describe how much I miss him.  :(

1 comment:

  1. yeah i understand ur feeling, family of military often sacrifice for his work, but dont worry he will be alright, he will return to u after his mission...:)
