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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the story of the Lump on the Roof of my Mouth

Two months ago while I was vacationing in Pi, I noticed a lump on the roof of my mouth.  Right away after noticing it I went to check in mirror by tilting my head so I can see it (trust me it's not as easy as it sounds).  What I saw was a lump that wasn't sore and it only showed as something thats protruding on the skin... so yeah it is a lump!... It doesn't hurt when I touch it and it's hard. I told my husband of course and he told me not to worry and it will go away in a few days... But 2 weeks later I still got the lump. So I decided to see a doctor when I got back here in Chicago.  I first went to see my Primary Care Manager. He's a family doctor so when he saw the lump he thought it's sort of a cysts. So he referred me to see an ENT doctor. The day before of my appointment, I had all these crazy thoughts running through my head. What if this, what if that... all sorts of crazy scenarios. On the day of my appointment, my mother in law had to drive me to the doctor's office because of my amateur driving skills (if you know me you'll know what I'm talking about) .  To make the long story short, after the ENT doctor checked the lump all he said was "You were born this way", with a huge grin on his face. He explained to me that it is indeed a bone like I earlier suspected, and most people do have it and this is called a "Torus". I walked out from the clinic feeling kinda stupid for worrying about it too much.. but at the same time I felt like a huge burden has been lifted off my chest... I couldn't wait to tell my husband the good news!

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